Higher Education Software for Academic Program Reviews
The Helpful — Yet Tedious — Academic Program Review Process
There’s no avoiding them. Academic program reviews come around every few years and are one of the most labor-intensive processes in higher education.
Although the data collection can be tedious, program reviews are fundamental to creating strategic plans and making hard budgeting decisions. Here’s a look at a few notable changes in the industry that were inspired by thorough program reviews:
- 1,050+ colleges and universities that award bachelor’s degrees have stopped requiring SAT/ACT scores for admission. (The Washington Post)
- Colleges cut over 650 foreign language programs within a recent three-year period. (Chronicle)
- The University of Akron cut 80 degrees — 19% of its programs. (InsideHigherEd)
The Current State of Academic
Program Reviews
Though they provide supportive insights, academic program reviews are not without flaws. Institutions report the following roadblocks that can prolong the process:
- Gathering and organizing data from disparate sources, both online and offline.
- Long waits for receiving reports.
- Digital frustration from toggling between program reviews and reports/data sets.
- Lost or unread program reviews due to complicated presentations.
A data analytics tool like Precision Campus alleviates these challenges by making the academic program review process an interactive, collaborative experience. Faculty can gain a clear understanding of the state of their programs, which helps leadership teams easily strategize the most beneficial curriculum changes for both the institution and its students.
Features of Precision Campus for Academic Program Reviews

Use Clear, Easy-to-Understand Data
Many program reviews don’t receive the attention they deserve because of dense information presented in complex formats. Instead, we show your data visually, through charts and graphs, to reveal trends and relationships that would otherwise be hidden in a sea of numbers.

Customize Your Program Review Templates
Every college and every program is unique. Generic templates are often missing crucial sections and creating your own is time consuming. With our data analytics platform, your team can easily create and alter templates to suit the necessities of each program.
Take a Side-by-Side Look at Data & Your Reviews
No toggling between multiple screens or shuffling around papers. Our tool pulls in data from each program for each assessment category. You’ll have the numbers right in front of you while you complete your review.
Autosave Your Work
Program reviews aren’t often completed in one sitting. Our platform autosaves any program review you’re working on so that you can work at your own pace without having to start from scratch.
Quickly Share Reports & Program Reviews
With open access to data, you’re likely to stumble upon a few interesting insights. Our platform allows you to share your findings by downloading (CSV or PDF) and emailing reports and program reviews throughout your institution.
Navigate an Intuitive, Interactive Analytics Platform
If you can work your email system, you can easily use our platform. Data sets can be filtered by program, demographics, credit statuses and any other variable you find valuable.
Send/Receive Notifications of Completed Program Reviews
Once a program review is complete, the designated overseer will automatically receive an email alert. The submitter will also have the option of downloading a PDF version of their program review for their records.
Schedule a Free Consultation
Set aside 15 minutes to discuss your institution’s academic program review processes and goals. We’re happy to offer recommendations.
Let's Talk