
Year-Over-Year Enrollment Report

Create custom, visual reports to keep track of enrollment metrics on a daily basis. Precision Campus makes it easy to compare data so you can make tactical decisions that help increase enrollments.

Reporting Capabilities

College enrollment metrics can fluctuate on a daily basis depending on market trends, current events and other factors. With Precision Campus, you can gain the context you need to understand real-time trends and patterns that may be affecting your institution’s success.

Endlessly Filter Variables

Analyze your data by college, major, course and student demographics for a holistic view of enrollments across your institution.

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Share & Collaborate

Work on data sets with your colleagues and share reports throughout your institution via PDFs, CSVs or emails.

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Access for Everyone

There’s no need to depend on institutional researchers; anyone with access to the program can create and customize reports.

Transform Enrollment Metrics Into Data-Backed Strategies for Success

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Your seasonal enrollment data is a clear indication of your institution’s success.

Obscure enrollment reports and manual data analysis are barriers to success for many institutions. In order to develop strategies that increase enrollments and encourage student retention, data must be translated into an easy-to-understand format that can be used to identify opportunities in real-time.

With Precision Campus, you can easily gauge the enrollment temperature of an upcoming semester by quickly filtering data by any student demographic. You can also narrow down your data by college, department, major and course for a granular look at headcount trends.

The capabilities behind the software let you track daily enrollment numbers in visual line graphs, making it easy to identify drops or spikes and compare numbers to similar dates from previous years. Have enrollments dipped this semester around the required deposit date? Maybe an extension to the deadline could secure more enrollments. You’ll have the context necessary to make same-day decisions like this and more with Precision Campus.

Benefits of Precision Campus for Year-Over-Year Enrollment Reports

Precision Campus is built exclusively for higher education, giving deans, faculty and other employees the visual context necessary to make accurate year-over-year comparisons.

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Make Data Visual

Customize your reports and make data more visual by utilizing dynamic bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts

Real-Time Comparisons

Make same-day changes and tactical decisions by easily monitoring enrollment numbers every day.

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Automated Updates

We can work with your IT department to set up automated daily enrollment updates so you’re always up to date.