Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH)
The information found in a Weekly Student Contact Hours report is a key contributing factor to ensuring efficient operations. From facility usage to budget planning, institutions can use Precision Campus to gain visibility into the productivity level of every department.
Reporting Capabilities
The number of contact hours is an important measure of efficiency for any college. With Precision Campus, institutions can use data analytics to streamline the planning and budgeting processes.
Analyze Productivity Levels for Better Institutional Planning
Your institution’s productivity directly correlates to the health of your budget.
When planning courses and identifying budgetary needs for the semester, weekly student contact hours are an important measure of efficiency. Getting the most out of your classroom resources and instructors is an effective way to maximize your budget and plan course schedules according to student needs.
By analyzing your Weekly Student Contact Hours report with Precision Campus, you can easily drill down your data by certain courses, subjects and departments. You can also look at contact hours by instructor, identify trends, spot areas of stability and track contact hour fluctuations.
With the insights gained from Precision Campus, you’ll have the context necessary to answer questions related to why student contact hours may be declining, fluctuating or remaining stable.
Benefits of Precision Campus for Weekly Student Contact Hours Data
Spot trends, analyze faculty productivity and measure efficiencies with clear, visual insights into your institution’s data.